Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Silent Sit Smiling

Boston's Bomb Scare. Whether you view it as a guerilla marketing campaign gone horribly wrong or a hint that the police force needs to be more aware of media culture, it's been taglined as the Boston Bomb Scare. Turner issued a corporate apology that aired on their show and also paid the city of Boston 2 million dollars for damages caused because of the debacle. And this was all completely avoidable.

If someone had called up the police station and simply told them to look on the shows website to see that the "bomb" was a martin, most of the drama could have been avoided. So why didn't anyone who knew what was going on even try stop it?

The alleged bombs were also placed on the doors of at least two stores on Newbury Street of Boston two days before the giant scare. People working in the stores found the aliens and kept them but also kept silent and didn't say anything about the meaning behind them to the police.

It would have taken a few minutes out of somebody's day to simply call and notify the police of what was going on and yet they didn't. And when the police force reacted the way that they did these same city dwellers who didn't want to say anything before sneering at the officials for an unnecessary reaction to a marketing campaign.

The opinions of the marketing campaign are split in half between people who loved it and people who despised it, the same kind of feelings that almost every superbowl commercial had. So, in the end, maybe Turner did this in atttempt to save over two million dollars of advertising money that they could have put into the superbowl.

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